• sports
  • photography
  • branding
  • image
  • cinematography

Privacy Policy

Our company, renowned for its exceptional photography and digital graphics services, prioritizes the privacy and security of our clients’ data. Therefore, I’m pleased to present the detailed Privacy Policy for Prestigious Angles:

Who We Are:

At Prestigious Angles, we are a cutting-edge photography and digital graphics company dedicated to capturing moments with precision and creativity. With our keen eye for detail and innovative approach, we transform ordinary scenes into extraordinary visual experiences.


When visitors leave comments on our site, we collect the data shown in the comments form, along with the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to assist with spam detection. Additionally, we may provide an anonymized string created from the visitor’s email address to the Gravatar service to determine if they are using it. Upon approval of the comment, the visitor’s profile picture is visible to the public in the context of their comment.


At Prestigious Angles, we understand the importance of handling media with care and professionalism to ensure the security and integrity of our clients’ content. Our media handling policy outlines the procedures and protocols we follow to manage media effectively:

  1. Secure Storage: All media, including photographs, videos, and digital graphics, are stored securely on encrypted servers to prevent unauthorized access or tampering.

  2. Access Control: Access to media files is restricted to authorized personnel only. Employees are granted access based on their role and responsibilities, and access logs are regularly monitored to detect any suspicious activity.

  3. Backup and Redundancy: We implement robust backup procedures to ensure that media files are securely backed up and stored in multiple locations. This mitigates the risk of data loss due to hardware failure, natural disasters, or other unforeseen events.

  4. Metadata Management: We maintain accurate and consistent metadata for all media files to facilitate efficient organization, retrieval, and archival. Metadata includes information such as file names, timestamps, and relevant keywords.

  5. Version Control: For projects involving iterative revisions or collaborative work, we employ version control systems to track changes and manage multiple versions of media files. This ensures that the latest and most accurate version of the media is always available.

  6. Transfer and Delivery: When transferring media files to clients or third parties, we utilize secure file transfer protocols and encryption methods to protect data during transit. Delivery methods are chosen based on the sensitivity of the media and client preferences.

  7. Retention and Disposal: We adhere to predefined retention periods for media files in accordance with legal and contractual requirements. Media files that are no longer needed are securely disposed of using industry-standard methods to prevent unauthorized access or recovery.

  8. Compliance and Standards: Our media handling practices comply with relevant industry standards and regulations, including copyright laws, data protection regulations, and best practices in digital asset management.

By following these guidelines, we ensure that media is handled responsibly and securely throughout its lifecycle, maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our clients’ valuable assets.

We remind users to avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) to our website, as visitors can download and extract any location data from these images.


We utilize cookies to enhance user experience on our site. If a user leaves a comment, they may opt-in to saving their name, email address, and website in cookies for convenience, which last for one year. Temporary cookies are also set on our login page to determine if the browser accepts cookies, and additional cookies are established when users log in to save login information and screen display choices. These cookies last for varying durations, depending on the user’s selections.

Embedded Content from Other Websites:

Articles on our site may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles) from other websites. Embedded content behaves similarly to if the visitor had visited the other website directly and may collect data, use cookies, and embed third-party tracking. Users’ interactions with embedded content on our site may be monitored by the respective third-party websites if users have accounts and are logged in.

Data Sharing:

At Prestigious Angles, we prioritize the confidentiality and security of our clients’ data. We adhere to strict guidelines to ensure that any sharing of data is conducted in a responsible and transparent manner. Our policy regarding data sharing is as follows:

  1. Limited Access: Only authorized personnel with a legitimate need to access client data will be permitted to do so. Access will be granted on a need-to-know basis, and all employees undergo rigorous training on data protection protocols.

  2. Consent-Based Sharing: We will only share client data with third parties with explicit consent from the client, or as required by law. Any sharing of data will be done in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.

  3. Secure Transmission: When sharing data with third parties, we utilize secure methods of transmission to safeguard against unauthorized access or interception. This may include encryption and secure file transfer protocols.

  4. Data Minimization: We only share the minimum amount of data necessary to achieve the intended purpose. Personal information is anonymized or pseudonymized whenever possible to protect individual privacy.

  5. Confidentiality Agreements: We require all third parties with whom we share data to enter into confidentiality agreements that outline their responsibilities in safeguarding the data and prohibit unauthorized use or disclosure.

  6. Regular Audits: We conduct regular audits of our data sharing practices to ensure compliance with our policies and regulatory requirements. Any deviations or issues identified are promptly addressed and rectified.

  7. Transparency: We are committed to being transparent with our clients about how their data is shared and for what purposes. Clients are informed of any third-party involvement in data processing and have the opportunity to opt-out where applicable.

By adhering to these principles, we strive to maintain the trust and confidence of our clients while upholding the highest standards of data protection and privacy.

Data Retention:

Comments and associated metadata are retained indefinitely to facilitate automatic approval of follow-up comments. Users who register on our website may have their personal information stored in their user profile, accessible for viewing, editing, or deletion by both the users and website administrators.

User Rights:

At Prestigious Angles, we are committed to respecting the rights of our clients and users when it comes to the media collected during paid or unpaid sessions. Our policy regarding user rights and media ownership is outlined as follows:

  1. Ownership: Any media captured by our company during a session or event, whether paid or unpaid, remains the sole property of Prestigious Angles. This includes but is not limited to photographs, videos, and digital graphics produced during the session.

  2. Usage Rights: While clients and users may receive copies or access to the media for personal use, Prestigious Angles retains the rights to use the media for promotional, marketing, or other business purposes. This may include but is not limited to displaying the media on our website, social media channels, portfolio, or promotional materials.

  3. Waiver of Rights: By participating in a session or event covered by Prestigious Angles, clients and users waive any claims to ownership or rights over the captured media. This includes any rights to royalties, compensation, or control over the use of the media.

  4. Consent: Prior to capturing media during a session or event, we obtain consent from clients or event organizers to use the media for promotional purposes. Additionally, we may obtain model releases or permissions from individuals featured in the media to ensure compliance with privacy and publicity rights.

  5. Transparency: We are transparent with clients and users regarding our ownership and usage rights of captured media. Our terms and conditions clearly outline the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved, ensuring mutual understanding and agreement.

  6. Respect for Privacy: While we retain ownership and usage rights of captured media, we respect the privacy and dignity of individuals featured in the media. We adhere to applicable privacy laws and regulations when using and sharing media, and we take precautions to avoid any misuse or unauthorized disclosure of personal information.

By adhering to these principles, we strive to maintain trust and transparency with our clients and users while responsibly managing the media captured during sessions or events.

Users with accounts or who have left comments may request an exported file of their personal data or request the erasure of their personal data, with exceptions for data retention obligations related to administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Data Processing:

Visitor comments may undergo automated spam detection services.

We trust that this Privacy Policy demonstrates our commitment to protecting the privacy and security of our clients’ data. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

SMS and Mobile Communication Policy:

At Prestigious Angles, we value effective and efficient communication with our clients and users. Our SMS and mobile communication policy outlines how we use phone numbers collected from individuals and our practices for sending text messages:

  1. Phone Number Collection: We collect phone numbers from individuals who engage with us through various channels, including but not limited to our website, social media platforms, events, and direct communication. Phone numbers may be collected for purposes such as appointment scheduling, order confirmation, customer support, and marketing communication.

  2. Consent for Text Communication: We respect the privacy preferences of our users and adhere to applicable regulations regarding SMS and mobile communication. Before sending any text messages, individuals must explicitly agree to receive communication via SMS. This consent is obtained through an initial text message sent to them when they communicate with our mobile line at 561-559-5142. The initial text message will contain information about our services, an opt-in prompt, and instructions for unsubscribing from future messages if desired.

  3. Purpose of Text Communication: Text messages sent to individuals who have opted in may include but are not limited to appointment reminders, order updates, promotional offers, event invitations, and customer service notifications. We strive to ensure that our text messages are relevant, timely, and valuable to recipients.

  4. Frequency and Opt-Out: We respect the preferences of individuals regarding the frequency of text messages they receive from us. Recipients have the option to opt out of receiving further text communication at any time by following the instructions provided in the initial text message or by contacting our customer support team. Once opted out, individuals will no longer receive text messages from our mobile line unless they choose to opt back in at a later time.

  5. Compliance and Privacy: We comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing SMS and mobile communication, including but not limited to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We prioritize the privacy and security of individuals’ personal information and take measures to safeguard it during SMS and mobile communication.

By following these guidelines, we aim to maintain transparent and respectful communication practices while providing valuable information and services to our clients and users via SMS and mobile channels.

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